Hotel Sai Palace i Agra

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IndienHotel Sai Palace


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3/117, Chowk KagzianTaj Ganj, Near Taj Mahal South Gate, Kinari Bazar, Kaserat Bazar, Tajganj, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 99176 03367
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Latitude: 27.1685425, Longitude: 78.0431283

kommentar 5

  • Mayukh Sarkar

    Mayukh Sarkar


    Very nice hotel & the main attraction is restaurant at terrace, food is also at reasonable price. Staff behaviour was also good. Very near to Taj Mahal, locatiin is marked at exact place on google maps. only one request to hotel manegment - please change the synthetic bedsheets with cotton sheets.

  • en

    chakravarthy.mudiraj anumula


    Good place. Very courties staff. Very near to TAj.Management Mr.Kunal is very caring and guides well

  • Radosław Kwiatkowski

    Radosław Kwiatkowski


    Very poor standard. Our room was dark, not very clean and minimum equipped. They advertised this place as "hotel with view at Taj Mahal" but from the top terrace view is disappointed. Location is good, lot of restaurants, shops and internet cafe.

  • Mateusz Przychodzeń

    Mateusz Przychodzeń


    Not so modern yet quite clean and nice stay very close to Taj Mahal. There is also tasty rooftop restaurant with Taj Mahal view. Restaurant prices are very affordable. Staff is very nice and helpful. Laundry possible.

  • Andy Cox

    Andy Cox


    Wonderful place. I can't imagine a nicer or cheaper place to stay in Agra. One of the cheapest rooms I've stayed in India but one of the nicest! Clean and comfortable. Great service from the friendly staff. Excellent food in the inexpensive rooftop restaurant with views of the Taj. Highly recommended to anyone visiting the Taj Mahal.

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