Hotel Surya, Kaiser Palace i Varanasi

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IndienHotel Surya, Kaiser Palace



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S. 20/51 A-5 The Mall Road, Nepali Kothi, Varuna Bridge, Varanasi Cantt, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 542 250 8466
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Latitude: 25.338567, Longitude: 82.979719

kommentar 5

  • pranav gour

    pranav gour


    Mangi Ferra is the name of bar at hotal Surya. The bar has very good ambiance, drinks are normally priced but subjected to availability. Some of the drinks were not available with the bar staff and the staff too was not much helpful. They provide complimentary starter with drinks but due to rains , they failed to provide the starter as they have to transport it from kitchen which is in other part of establishment. They recently revised the price of their drinks. Overall good experience but i have had better.

  • en



    Location is cantonment area. Service is good. Room is okish

  • Shashank Durgvanshi

    Shashank Durgvanshi


    Hotel Surya is probably the best hotel to stay in Varanasi if you are here on tour from outside India. All staffs are well mannered and the architecture of the hotel is commendable. Especially the restaurent is just fabulous. You get good Indian food plus Indian Classical Instrumental Music playing there to sooth your mind while you eat. I had not been to the spa there but the shops displaying Indian Clothing and goodies were impressive. Rooms are good, service is fast, WiFi, low cost, travel pro, has parking space etc.

  • Rohit Agrawal

    Rohit Agrawal


    An upscale hotel situation in the Cantonment area of Varanasi. Very nearby to the main Railway Station (back side). Conveniently reachable to all parts of the city as well as the Airport. Houses unique stores as well as a restraunt, bar (SOL), lawn, ample parking space and marriage hall. For a peaceful and an elegant (warm) stay.

  • Karan Binani

    Karan Binani


    The hotel is situated just at the outskirts of Varanasi city and about 45 mins to 1 hour away from the airport. The hotel is along a line of series of hotels one after the other and hence a very popular spot for hotels. The property is quite huge and has plenty of rooms. It's got a pool, bar, spa, banquet halls and restaurants to take care of your routine needs. The staff is very courteous and helpful however you might find some unaware staff as well who I believe were either new or recently hired. The service was prompt most of the times.

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