IIMT i Meerut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Mall Road, 250001, Meerut, Meerut, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 121 265 5850
internet side: www.iimtindia.net
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Latitude: 29.0014093, Longitude: 77.7197263

kommentar 5

  • Ashutosh Asthana

    Ashutosh Asthana


    Gave an exam over there recently. Cooperative and student friendly staff.

  • mitul jain

    mitul jain


    Small but good college educated and experienced faculty , well manage

  • Varsha Verma

    Varsha Verma


    it is the best cllg of meerut cantt...everybody should go there...there are best techers and every facility are available there

  • Akinchan Jain

    Akinchan Jain


    The best thing about iimt mall road (pt. DDUMC) is that it's placement for both BBA and BCA is good i was a BBA student and i got offers from 2 companies normally package offered by the good companies is 15000 per month & 20000 for bpo companies , teachers are fine in some semester we get good teachers in some we don't and the worst about this college is that they don't give marks in internal due to which many students get back, and students are unable to clear that back for years because the ckecking of ccs university is horrible sometimes a 90-95%% scorer in 12th get 0 marks in mathematics, income tax and other numerical subjects sometimes the university marks absent for the person who has appeared for the exam. It is the best college of meerut affliated with the worst university on the planet so take admission in this college only when you don't have option to go for another university.

  • Ketan Dixit

    Ketan Dixit


    1.Technical College Campus 2. Offers Various Courses i.e B.tech , MBA & More 3. Lush Green Campus with Ultra Modern Facilities 4. One of the Best Colleges in Meerut City.

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