Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium i New Delhi

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IndienIndira Gandhi Indoor Stadium


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Ring Road, Near Delhi Sachivalaya, IP Estate, IG Indoor Stadium, ITO, Vikram Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2339 2729
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Latitude: 28.6314617, Longitude: 77.2481437

kommentar 5

  • Noorjamal Mandal

    Noorjamal Mandal


    I went this place on Nov 2017 ... this is so cool place... i love it .. its great to organise a proggrame

  • Shruti Garg

    Shruti Garg


    Attended A R Rehman concert here. Spacious stadium. But ambience not that good.

  • manmadh patil

    manmadh patil


    Coming soon for IGI 2 ...i know ebizer can understand ...JAI HIND🇮🇳 JAI EBIZ

  • rama krishna

    rama krishna


    There are three stadiums in it INDIRA GANDHI INDOOR STADIUM FAMOUSLY KNOWN AS IGI is a Stadium with 30000 people capacity in it a nice place

  • Anjanesh Kumar

    Anjanesh Kumar


    The Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium was established in 1982 in order to host the indoor sports events of the 1982 Asian Games. Situated within the Indraprastha Estate in Delhi, this stadium spans over a massive area of 100 acres dressed with lush green environs and well trimmed lawns. This Stadium was the main venue that hosted numerous sports events including the Netball Competitions during the 2010 Commonwealth Games held in Delhi in October. The Stadium is centrally air conditioned and offers a seating capacity for 25,000 audiences. The nearest Delhi Metro Station is the Indraprastha Metro Station situated approximately 1.8 Kms or 4 minutes by car from the Stadium.

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