Jabalpur Airport i Dumna

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IndienJabalpur Airport


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Airport Road, Airport Area, Khamaria, Dumna, Madhya Pradesh 482005, India
kontakter telefon: +91 76126 03451
internet side: www.aai.aero
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Latitude: 23.1846254, Longitude: 80.0587403

kommentar 5

  • Mustafa mansoori

    Mustafa mansoori


    Jabalpur Airport (IATA: JLR, ICAO: VAJB), also known as Dumna Airport, is an airport situated 25 kilometres (16 miles) east of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. The airport serves the Mahakaushal region and eastern Madhya Pradesh and serves tourists who visit Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park, Pench National Park, Khajuraho and Bhedaghat. The airport is spread over an area of 759.52 acres. Air India, SpiceJet and Zoom Air have been operating scheduled flight services to and from Jabalpur.

  • Virendra Mishra

    Virendra Mishra


    This is a small airport and operating with very limited flights air India and spice jet. In terms of facilities also not having much facilities. This is the bad luck of madhya pradesh for not having full fledged airport in the state. I had been in this airport many times but my first trip was horrible as I reached there 10 and having in mind to have lunch at airport itself but not knowing that nothing is available in this airport.

  • Naman Jain

    Naman Jain


    Direct flights to Delhi Mumbai Kolkata and Hyderabad are available from here. Three direct flights are available for Delhi, two for Kolkata and one flight for each Mumbai and Hyderabad. It is a small growing airport serving the Mahakoshal region of Madhya Pradesh. It serve the visitors of Kanha National Park, Pachmarhi, Amarkantak, Bhedaghat, Bandhavgarh National Park, Pench National Park. It is about 18 kilometers from the main city.

  • Shweta Bharti

    Shweta Bharti


    Since it is new to jabalpur, so i wont say it is a very good example for being an airport but still it is good....because it provides you with the facility of airplane in there...the main problem is transport and communication there...since it is so far from the city that taxi drivers or ola anything charge very high to drop you to the main city...and i because its an airport area so there must be jammers all over which makes communication bad..

  • తుమ్మల శిరీష్ కుమార్

    తుమ్మల శిరీష్ కుమార్


    Small, tidy airport. Clean. Good view of the runway from the launge. Clean toilets. Transport from City is a pain.

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