Jaganmohan Palace Art Gallery And Auditorium i Mysuru

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IndienJaganmohan Palace Art Gallery And Auditorium



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Opp City Bus Stand, Deshika Road, Chamrajpura, Subbarayanakere, Chamrajpura, Mysuru, Karnataka 570024, India
kontakter telefon: +91 821 452 7474
internet side: www.mysore.nic.in
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Latitude: 12.3068366, Longitude: 76.6498604

kommentar 5

  • Sanjay Joel

    Sanjay Joel


    It is a perfect place for people who love art and history. There are three floors in the main palace. You need to see all of them. In ground floor there are 2 important paintings. Ask for security to explain. They will be happy to help. Painting one: the elephants walking on water way. See from both extreme angles. The picture will look turning towards left when you are in left. Right when you are in right. Also the king's painting, his right foot and eyes will point towards you from any angle you see. The master piece is the clock. It will be in higher floors. It is still working great.

  • Sowmi Seshadri

    Sowmi Seshadri


    I visited this Auditorium for viewing National Classical Dance program. Seating arrangements were good. This auditorium was spacious and was able to move around. The stage was very good and participants were enjoying the stage. Nice experience overall.

  • Vivek Barnwal

    Vivek Barnwal


    One of best place for first time visitors in Mysore, Located very close to city bus stand almost 300 meter. Parking space is free. Entry fee Rs. 35 and Rs 135 only for foreigners. Spending time atleast 2 to 3 hours if one is interested. After reaching there you see auditorium in front used by Mysore University but Art Gallery is tucked behind it. Enough parking available. When you see entrance and buy tickets, you feel is it worth time and money but go ahead. Though maintenance is not good but you have so much to cherish. Photography prohibited here. Great collection. Museum staff are helpful , ask them tips and tricks. For example there is light glow painting room where you stand some distance from picture and then switch off light. You will see glowing painting. Walk slowly towards painting to see lamp in lady hand lighting her. In Ravi Verma, stand on side, painting eyes are watching you, slowly move other side, still they are watching you. In another painting, the toes of painting are pointing toward you wherever you stand. Photography prohibited in museum. so, i am sharing inside view of auditorium.

  • en

    Olivia Nunn


    A really lovely art gallery in a beautiful palace. Rs 135 for foreigners maybe a little steep but was still happy to pay as it was a great visit and could spend a long time admiring the huge range of art work.

  • Amarjeeth Jain

    Amarjeeth Jain


    There's a lot of pics. And we can even see more cleared images which is off a very good quality of images. There is even popular paintings of the Royal family and the instruments used in that period. We can see a lot more detailed pics compared to Mysore palace. I rely loved this place and I HV been the more than 3 times.

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