Jai Niwas i Jaipur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienJai Niwas


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3, Jalapura Scheme, Near LIC office, M I Road, Gopinath Marg, Jalupura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 141 410 9697
internet side: www.jainiwas.com
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Latitude: 26.9198903, Longitude: 75.8053771

kommentar 5

  • Venkatesh Bhat

    Venkatesh Bhat


    located boutique hotel in jaipur ,India with a great garden and peaceful atmosphere. This family managed hotel near M. I. Road in Jaipur is a charming renovated bungalow that offers an attractive combination of great value for money with quite and green environment, modern amenities and friendly services. Home like food, supervised by owner family personally and services like Free wi-fi, Free parking, travel arrangements and great location make for an unforgettable stay at Jai Niwas, both for people on holiday or on work!

  • en

    Hilary Owen


    This little hotel was the highlight of our trip to India. The staff were so helpful and such good fun. Special thanks to Subis on reception and the fabulous cooking of Pradeep. Rooms were very spacious and clean. Bathroom great with loads of hot water. Rooms surround a lovely garden.

  • en

    Shanthi Kumar Shamanthula


    Peaceful neighborhood, well maintained. Quality of the food is good quantity is less though. Construction on first floor might cause some disturbance. Overall 4/5.

  • Sashidar Ramachandran

    Sashidar Ramachandran


    Food is excellent. Homely no masala. Construction was going on but no disturbance. Once construction will be over in couple of months it will be much more nice.

  • Nishith Kumar

    Nishith Kumar


    Staff are polite and cooperative ...place is well located...I didn't like the ambience much since it was undergoing renovation when I arrived...Food is tasty and hygienic.. Rest rooms are spacious and neat... however I didn't like the idea of separate single blankets and mattresses for a double bed room. It's mostly the dissatisfaction for ambience due to expectation vs reality due to renovation that I rate it 3 out of 5.

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