Jaipur Jn. i Bari Sadri

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IndienJaipur Jn.


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Neemuch Road, 312403, Bari Sadri, Jaipur, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 26.9181206, Longitude: 75.7901044

kommentar 5

  • Rampratap Meena

    Rampratap Meena


    Jaipur is the capital of India’s Rajasthan state. It evokes the royal family that once ruled the region and that, in 1727, founded what is now called the Old City, or “Pink City” for its trademark building color. At the center of its stately street grid (notable in India) stands the opulent, colonnaded City Palace complex. With gardens,courtyards and museums, part of it is still a royal residence.

  • Ritvik Beli

    Ritvik Beli


    Watch the train schedule, beware of pigeons and faulty token machines. It's walking from the Jaipur junction railway station, also connected via a bridge. Most of the floor is found to be covered in pigeon droppings. But that's not the issue. You cut their homes in trees and build a concrete jungle in place of it. This is bound to happen. Token machines can sometimes not detect your token at all if you swiped it once before (anywhere). At peak hrs it could get crowded. The metro train itself is very clean and well maintained. Also proper air conditioning in summers. The pigeon situation can be controlled by simply placing small wooden bowls or boxes in the roof ends of the metro station.

  • Rohit Kumar Chaubey

    Rohit Kumar Chaubey


    Jaipur Railway station location is perfect. all type of convene are available. 24X7 transport facility available. Platform is good. Neat & Clean Station. Jaipur is Jn, Jaipur connectivity to all Over India Via train.

  • sarat chandra acharya

    sarat chandra acharya


    One of the oldest, advanced and well maintained railway station of India. Train links to all over India from here. Jaipur is the Capital city of Rajasthan. This city is historic and so many tourist places are here to visit. It is called as Pink City in India. The station is cleaned well and hygienic. Departure and arrival boards are available in each platform. Always crowded. Nice service to passengers. Seating arrangements and sufficient parking facilities available. Thar desert is located in Rajasthan. Lots of parking space available here.

  • en

    Aditya Tak


    The railway station of Jaipur is very well maintained and is fully sanatised Everywhere dustbin are present and one will not find any garbage lying on the platform or between the tracks The connectivity to the station is also very good. U can take metro from various places to reach the station. Mostly there is a connectivity to every place in India from the Jaipur station. The staff is also helpful.

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