Karina Guest House i Bīkāner

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IndienKarina Guest House


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Near Teliwara Middle School, Close to Bhanwar Niwas, Joshiwara, Old Bikaner, Bīkāner, Rajasthan 334001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 75687 80417
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Latitude: 28.0133701, Longitude: 73.3044059

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rk Khan


    Nice food they are cooking the owner of the hotel (Salim) was very guid in the bikaner and the rooftop has a very nice view and the family was very nice

  • en

    Rahul Patel


    Had a great time here, the ambience was great and the staff displayed a warm attitude. Would definitely recommend it to others.

  • natacha tashka

    natacha tashka


    Very kind familly,de had a great time,i recommend 😀

  • en

    Jake E


    Good budget price for the single, and hosts are helpful and kind but; room windowless and usual gloom as a result, unmarked from outside and no signposts in old city lanes, so you need the *correct* location pinned on a map as a result (I've amended this, it's on the left when you take the north side of the fork coming from the south, all north of original location), both dogs & cows can be territorial in the lanes and not really safe to walk when dark, no near by food options, dinner offered but expensive, and WiFi intermittent.

  • en

    manu vinny


    Excellent hotel, with independent cottages and villas. I visited here with my family and I liked it a lot. The location and ambience was very good. Only thing which can be improved is the transport team, which has some not so good drivers. Great view from hotel. Nice spacious resort with play area for kids. Suitably located for going on long walks in the morning. Food is good but with limited choices Hotel staff are too good, very helpful in all manners.. Hotel is in good location and had good time by staying.. Nice breakfast and others.. Nice nearby places to visit.. Totally I recommend to all this hotel to come and stay once though you like and continue to stay for years.. Thank you.. Good luck..

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