Keys Select Hotels i Thiruvananthapuram

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienKeys Select Hotels



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Housing Board Junction, Opposite Fire Brigade, Statue, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 80860 79918
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.494669, Longitude: 76.952143

kommentar 5

  • renjith krishnan

    renjith krishnan


    Good business hotel located in the heart of the city. MMT offers good discount for the keys hotels. Breakfast is also good. But only disappointment is about the toiletries. They will keep only on soap and shampoo in the bathroom.

  • en

    marini mars


    Very excellent service nice location good customer service keep on rocking. Brilliant team work and we can feel the full happiness. Appreciated all the employees of keys for their wonderful mind blowing service. Really thanks to everyone.

  • Suresh Chandrasekharan Nair

    Suresh Chandrasekharan Nair


    Clean rooms. Good staff. Location is closer to the central railway station. Airport is a bit far off. Food is good. Rooms are small..Ideal for business traveller.




    Comfortable stay, good quality service @ front office.....only problem here is with the check in timings, you may have to wait at the lobby till your room is allotted, if you check in before the hotel's check in was made to wait from 4.AM to 8.30 AM once. If you need a room early morning, before 10 Am you need to book your room from the previous day itself. Food is too good, consider this to be a one worth the money, overall.

  • en

    Tarakad Ramachandran


    Excellent, well maintained hotel at an affordable rate. Customer centric staff who really ensure that their guests have a comfortable stay. Worth every penny spent. Would love to give a 7 star rating, if possible

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