Kitty Su Mumbai in Mumbai

IndienKitty Su Mumbai



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Airport Road, 400059, Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, IN India
kontakte telefon: +91 22 6104 3553
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 19.105277, Longitude: 72.875733

kommentare 5

  • Tejas Hoskatti

    Tejas Hoskatti


    Decent place to party over the weekends. The ambience is good, the crowd is usually a mixture of the hotel guests and youngsters. Make sure you visit it when the international artists are playing at the Club.




    this pub is too awesum floor is too big ...really cool place and if ur with girls then its very descent pub no one will even stare at you you will enjoy the atmosphere alot n there is no cheap crowd over there ....u should visit kitty su if u want a happening night....

  • Atul Dagur

    Atul Dagur


    A very cool lounge bar attracting very cool people, just off the main strip in Khar. Bar staff bathed in neon blue light spin cocktail shakers while artificial waterfalls trickle down the walls. This is a place to relax in good company. There are seven zones, each offering a different level of noise and energy. If you run out of steam on the dancefloor, you can sit back with a long drink and listen to water splashing into artificial pools in one of the quiet zones.A very cool lounge bar attracting very cool people, just off the main strip in Khar. Bar staff bathed in neon blue light spin cocktail shakers while artificial waterfalls trickle down the walls.

  • en

    Ajay Rasputra


    Lovely place, good music! Make sure you check on the timings before you get it! Reached Kitty Su at 2:20 and were told by the staff that the place will be open till 3:00am! To my surprise 15 minutes post entering, we were informed that the place is being shut down because there were not many people to continue! A bit disappointed with the communication!

  • Harry St.

    Harry St.


    I was there for Halloween Party. Amazing. They did some very good performance, even one guy danced in the shower. Beautiful ladies are there, so you should go there and enjoy. As others wrote, it is slightly expensive, but the prices are as in most good hotels... I liked it much and will come back!

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