La Thai Spa i Ahmedabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienLa Thai Spa


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Chimanlal Girdharlal Road, Ellis Bridge, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009, India
kontakter telefon: +91 98255 45649
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Latitude: 23.0244555, Longitude: 72.5562733

kommentar 2

  • Pandya Jasmin

    Pandya Jasmin


    Awesome experience!!!

  • aparna joshi

    aparna joshi


    We were severely disappointed. We decided to go for a deep tissue therapy. First let me describe the ambiance. The towels smell of oil, the therapy room floor is sticky due to oil, the bathrooms have shelves for shampoo so high that it's impossible to reach them. The therapy tables are just basic tables with no space to put your face So one has a sprained neck because of keeping your head on the side during a back / neck massage. So in all I would give ameneties, hygiene and ambiance 2 stars. Now the therapy. One pays the amount for a 60 min therapy. The therapy lasted not even 40 min. The therapist seemed like she was rushing through the process merely rubbing oil. anyway on the severely uncomfortable table with no hole for the face the experience was painful. I would not want to go there again as nd wouldn't recommend anyone to waste their time I this place. It's a total waste.

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