Lalbagh Lake i Bengaluru

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IndienLalbagh Lake



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Mavalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560004, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 12.9482385, Longitude: 77.581335

kommentar 5

  • Vamshi Krishna

    Vamshi Krishna


    Good place to take a stroll or go for a jog. Located within Lal bagh,has good views.they have a fountain now installed here.

  • Jeromy Abraham

    Jeromy Abraham


    Good place to visit with family. And a very good place for couples 😉

  • en

    Kiran Kumar


    This lake is kept well in the lalbagh botanical garden. This is very famous for its bird watching in the specific seasons. Apart from the flower in the garden this is also very well known place in the Bangalore city.

  • Shaikh Tariq Mobin

    Shaikh Tariq Mobin


    Lalbagh Lake is a very large lake situated withing the Lalbagh botanical garden. This is a very clean lake as it has a sewage treatment plant associated with it. There is a nice walking trail surrounding the lake where you can find people jogging or taking a leisurely walk. It also has many benches around it for people to sit and enjoy the beauty of the lake. The lake is also home to numerous bird species which attracts many bird watchers.

  • Ravi



    Nice park. Good views and if u like flowers then try to visit in January you get good flowers show. Otherwise you can visit any time of year. You can easily spend half day here.

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