Le Roi Raipur Hotel i Raipur

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IndienLe Roi Raipur Hotel



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Multifunctional Complex, Raipur Railway Station,, Station Road, Moudhapara, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
internet side: www.leroihotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 21.255789, Longitude: 81.629486

kommentar 5

  • Soumya Chakraborty

    Soumya Chakraborty


    Very good hotel on platform no 1 at Raipur station. Good in terms of availability, price, food quality & quantity, behavior of stuff, clean niceness of room and bathroom. Good for corporate and occasional traveler. Very strategically position of the hotel. Only issue I found, there is some networking issue due to station high tension wire. Road facing rooms are also good to avoid such problems and avoiding the station announcements. Highly recommended to stay here. Complementary breakfast is also up to the mark.

  • A V H S P RAO

    A V H S P RAO


    Great rooms at reasonable prices. Staff is friendly. One entrance to this hotel is from railway station, other opens out to the main road.

  • en

    Sahil Aggarwal


    If you are travelling by train then it is the place to be....It is located on the platform itself where one gate of hotel is platform facing and you get information of train arrival & departure time. As far as stay, service and food is concerned then stay and room service is good to Excellent but the food is overly priced. So better try near by restaurants to save a buck.

  • Rohit Singh

    Rohit Singh


    Awesome... It is located just outside the station you can say the platform wall and the hotel wall both are the same. Rooms are awesome, when you entered in the room you will feel relaxed. Staffs are also good.

  • Natarajan Ramanathan

    Natarajan Ramanathan


    This place us located at a convenient point and can be accessed from.Platform No. 1 of Raipur Railway station without having to go out of the hotel. The room that I stayed in was very neat and hygienic. No wardrobe though in the room. Staff very courteous. Excellent place to stay!! If I were to visit Raipur, will stay here again.

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