Lemon Tree Hotel, Chandigarh i Industrial Area

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IndienLemon Tree Hotel, Chandigarh



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Plot No. 3, Industrial Area Phase 2, MW Industrial Area Phase I, Industrial Area, Chandigarh 160002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 442 3232
internet side: www.lemontreehotels.com
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Latitude: 30.7054431, Longitude: 76.8030359

kommentar 5

  • neeraj laul

    neeraj laul


    Great ambience and staff. They have a great lemon theme going for them and its really pleasant. There's a mall nearby for some daily needs. The restaurant is great but a bit pricey. Overall great experience, 10/10 would come back.

  • Ashwini Sharma

    Ashwini Sharma


    Ambience is Good. You can smell Lime fragrance when you enter the hotel. Reception is at First Floor. And that's the only smoke free area. Rest the rooms smells like someone had a smoke and it's trapped inside. Overall it was good stay. :-) And everything in the Bathroom is Lemon and Ginger, whether its Hand wash, moisturiser or shampoo. :-P

  • Abhishek Mukherjee

    Abhishek Mukherjee


    Location is behind elante mall and in the industrial area. Work locations are accessible. Rooms are great in terms of the arrangements. Bar service is just okay type. There is a delay in billing process and doesn't understand your requirements properly. It is a smaller area and has a pool table around it ( which occupies most of the space). The dining service is poor as the staff service is very poor and items are limited.

  • Tajinder Singh

    Tajinder Singh


    Went for an official meeting .. didn't like d overall courtesy.. parking is at basement and ground and reception at 1st floor .. no one in parking to guide u where is reception.. lift directly takes u to guest rooms hence no privacy I feel .. once u find it reception is too small to get proper seat also to sit if they put u in waiting.. glass of water wl also need to ask again and again .. too congested hall .. lobby .. probably rooms too .. u can find much better option in same price.. nothing like lemon tree global experience...

  • Nathaniel Dkhar

    Nathaniel Dkhar


    I didn't have a great stay here but the sleep quality was great. The reasons as to why I didn't enjoy the stay much is because of the following reasons... 1. The weird smell at the reception 2. The sorry state of the meals at dinner. We had a pre paid dinner and the potions of the grilled fish is super small. I had ordered a bacon sandwich and after 40 minutes of waiting it didn't come. So asked the staff to send it to my room but it never did arrive. I had to go to bed still hungry. 3. My bathroom flush did not work. The reception when informed about this did absolutely nothing. They do have a 24 hr gym in a small room and a small pool on the top of the hotel. I would prefer to stay elsewhere.

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