Little Chef Hotel and Restaurant i Kanpur

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IndienLittle Chef Hotel and Restaurant


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15/198A, Bikramjit Singh Road, 208001, Kanpur, Kanpur Nagar, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 512 230 6508
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Latitude: 26.4783224, Longitude: 80.3502532

kommentar 5

  • Himanshu Panday

    Himanshu Panday


    Great menu. Very tasty sizzlers. Might be a bit occupied on weekends. Evening timings start at 7 PM.

  • mrinal ashesh

    mrinal ashesh


    Not so Good considering the room tarrif.. however, a pleasant t stay as room service was good. Stayed as single occupant.. Pros - Good food, easy connectivity with prime locations. Very near to Z square Mall. Cons - Needs Pest control to some extent as a couple of small cockroaches found in washroom. Need to maintain more hygiene in the washroom.

  • Tisha Dash

    Tisha Dash


    The room we stayed in was newly constructed and was too small for two people. The water from the shower would flood in the washbasin area. It was really inconvenient. No full length mirror. Was there as a guest for a wedding. Some rooms were better than others. Our sheets were not clean as the day we checked in the sheet had lipstick mark on it already. Like someone had slept in them. the bed was made but the linen was unclean. Good and comfortable property but some basic things were making us uncomfortable. Breakfast was very good and staff is courteous and helpful.

  • Kushal Bajpai

    Kushal Bajpai


    We went there for dinner and it was an okay experience. The cold coffee was extraordinary while the pizza was just good enough. The continental sizzler was definitely pretty good. The restaurant is cool and hip and probably attracts a very cool crowd as well, but there is no table service so you have to get your own order.

  • Pradeep Kumar Rajoo

    Pradeep Kumar Rajoo


    A real 4 star hotel with good ambience, decent looks along with newly built huge rooms. The food served in its both of the restaurants is delicious and already famous. Once you try it and you will love to visit and taste it again and again without fail. And its staff, whether assigned at reception or room service or serving the food in its restaurants is very polite, humble, friendly and well mannered. And above all smart and handsome too. The hotel management is also very cooperative and welcomes its guests warmly.

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