New Delhi Chhole Bhature i Meerut

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IndienNew Delhi Chhole Bhature



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Abu Lane, Sadar Bazaar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 25001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 96392 53433
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Latitude: 28.9967086, Longitude: 77.6997204

kommentar 5

  • Harsh Wardhan Jog

    Harsh Wardhan Jog


    Old & well known joint for chhole bhature. Cramped for space nevertheless in good business. Serves two pieces of hot bhature with spicy chhole & pickle at reasonable price. Popular with all sections of society.

  • Kartik Godawat

    Kartik Godawat


    Amazing Chole bhature at exceptionally reasonable price. Seating is somewhat limited and you might have to wait but its worth the wait.

  • en

    vatsal rastogi


    It is one of the famous and very old food joint in Meerut. Sitting area is a little cramped but the food is worth getting through it.

  • sunil kumar agrawal

    sunil kumar agrawal


    Most popular in Meerut. It's delicious and price is Rs 40/ - for 2 pieces.

  • en

    Rikki Panwar


    Very tasty and delicious chole bhature. U will love to eat here to take away for home. But there is problem for parking and u will always see crowd here.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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