Parliament Museum i New Delhi

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IndienParliament Museum



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Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament Library Building, Pandit Pant Marg Area, Gokul Nagar, Central Secretariat, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2303 5318
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Latitude: 28.6187503, Longitude: 77.2072444

kommentar 5

  • alok kumar

    alok kumar


    Actually Security is so tight that u can't even take your ladies hand bags only wallet and purses are allowed. No cell phones are also allowed. This will be collected at the main entrance. Once you visit there you will not forget. Latest technologies are used. Audio visual are to make guest understand. Statues are made so perfectly that it's resembles like real. There are statues of king and queen made with marvel with their crown. There are separate areas for freedom fighter, and their belongings kept in a round glass. Rank and their batches of indian army, navy and military. Incharges over there took initiatives towards guest. Their I saw how the assembly was held in 5-6 members in ancient days. Indian constitution was kept there with unit 6 & 7 opened. So that every guest can read. I was a complete museum.

  • gaurav singh

    gaurav singh


    The museum is finely designed and holds important artifacts and various other things from historic British raj to Barack Obama's gifts to india. Use of technology has amazingly added to it's resourcefulness as not you can walk with mahatma Gandhi in holographic environment but also can sit in lok sabha and hear Pandit jawaharlal nehru's independence speech. In the end, If you're visiting delhi and you have interest in parliamentary operations and it's history then this is the place.

  • Sanjiv Jindia

    Sanjiv Jindia


    Excellent display of history of India's parliamentary democracy. Includes very interesting light and sound shows featuring the founding fathers of India's democratic system.

  • Abhijith Paul

    Abhijith Paul


    A great Resource for a person completely aloof of India's political history but for the majority the efforts that squeeze you in there outweigh the insights inside . Just a well fortified audio visual experience of our republic's origins . Photography and videography barred inside.

  • en

    bantoo bantoo


    No better place to get a historical perspective of our Nation's polity evolution. The light n sound show, virtual "Tryst with destiny" speech are some of the highlights. Immensely educative for fertile minds of school children and ever so curious people like me. Enthralled !

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