Pataleshwar Temple i Pune

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IndienPataleshwar Temple


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Jangali Maharaj Road, Revenue Colony, Shivajinagar, Revenue Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411005, India
kontakter telefon: +91 755 559 6325
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Latitude: 18.5268422, Longitude: 73.8507196

kommentar 5

  • Mandar Rane

    Mandar Rane


    Wonder how it has be carved in a single stone. How much time they must have taken. Great efforts

  • Mirza Ahmed Baig

    Mirza Ahmed Baig


    Best place to witness unity in diversity of India. Beautiful temple alongside a small dargah. People pray with true faith. There are also some historical monuments here. Must visit for peace....

  • Ritesh Soni

    Ritesh Soni


    Awesome place to visit with friends and family too. Food outside is so tasty. Too peaceful place. Can spend almost half day. Can be a picnic spot or relaxation point.

  • Priyal Bhagwanani

    Priyal Bhagwanani


    The cave temple has everything carved. It is unbelievable how a single rock could have been cut into a whole temple along with it's idols. This place offers the mind and body to cool and is a delight during heavy summers. What surprised me the most is the cave temple is built in between the city! And don't be fightened to not find any caves at the first sight, since those are two different temples built together with the same entrance.

  • GS



    The temple is carved by cutting rocky area.. with beautiful caves built inside.. Its a v old Shiva temple and you will feel v blessed and cool inside even in hot climate!

nærmeste Hindu Temple

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