PiFi Pizza Zone i Chandigarh

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IndienPiFi Pizza Zone



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Booth 49, Sector 8 B, 8B, Sector 8, Chandigarh, 160008, India
kontakter telefon: +91 98884 95959
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Latitude: 30.7407787, Longitude: 76.7976271

kommentar 5

  • Navkaran Singh

    Navkaran Singh


    Best place in Chd for thin crust pizzas. Apart from their amazing Pizzas love their garlic knots and turkish rose shake

  • sahil KALRA

    sahil KALRA


    It's a amazing pizza unlimited topping ...And very good taste

  • en

    Apoorva Chanana


    Customer service is very good...thin crust ,tangy n spicy sauce and amazing mozzarella with fresh vegetables..simply perfect

  • Ashmita Ahuja

    Ashmita Ahuja


    Pifi pizza 🍕, a place I was longing for! Had heard about the perfection in their pizzas by other food bloggers. What all did I have there- 1. Paneer Bro slice 2. Mushroom zing slice 3. Veg garlic bread Each slice costed me ₹100 and garlic bread was of ₹70 (excluding taxes) So it was quite good to pocket too! Now coming to how I liked it! BB review- The slices had loads of veggies and the spices too were on point. One slice is enough for one person at a time. The crust was thin and it was way yummy to make you crave for more. For garlic bread I would say, it was different from the regular garlic breads as it had toppings of veggies with loads of cheese. But I didn't like the taste much! Maybe there was something missing in it, and that I leave for you to find out 😉

  • Deepak Kashyap

    Deepak Kashyap


    Genuinely, one of the best pizza shops in Chandigarh, I mean the best. They know how to make it and what it actually means. Thin crust, lots of toppings and evenly spread cheese. You just can't resist it. I bet you'll start hating the competition after having a slice.

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