Punjab Book Centre i Chandigarh

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IndienPunjab Book Centre



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1123, Himalaya Marg, 17G, 22B, Sector 22, 22B, Sector 22, Chandigarh, 160022, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 270 1952
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Latitude: 30.7309999, Longitude: 76.7751123

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sandeep Mangat


    Punjabi and hindi books are easily available.

  • Abhishek Malik

    Abhishek Malik


    Well I am a book lover and as I visited the Punjab book centre I was really impressed. It is fine quiet place in the middle of a city which have plenty of books, new and old in Hindi, English and Punjabi sections and there were a group of old people; intellectuals sitting together and discussing different topics of politics and Nation I love this place one of the heavens for book lovers in Chandigarh.

  • Gurdeep Dhaliwal

    Gurdeep Dhaliwal


    It’s one of the best book stores in chandigarh. Easily accessible and good customer care

  • Vinay Bansal

    Vinay Bansal


    A good book Depot having Punjabi and Hindi literature books. Almost all book for UPSC Punjabi Literature optional are present there. Support is good. You have to enter the parking and pay RS 10 as parking fee if you come here by your vehicle.

  • Jasdeep Singh

    Jasdeep Singh


    Best Place to get of Hindi Punjabi Literature. Also books on Critical Theory.

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