Rashtrapati Bhavan i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienRashtrapati Bhavan


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Rajpath Marg, 110004, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
internet side: presidentofindia.nic.in
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Latitude: 28.6139636, Longitude: 77.2079203

kommentar 5

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    Ajit Kumar


    It was great to see it from very close distance. I had drove away many a times from a close distance but last week when some of the relatives asked to show them Rastrapati bhawan I also visited it very closely and spent some time there. It's a marvelous architecture. Good place to spend time with family in the lawn next to it

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    Kapil Sadh


    Great place to have a round of this historical and vast bhavan....but one can have a limited approach to this building because of security reasons

  • en

    vandana kanwal


    Want to see some clean and traffic free place in delhi as outdoor fun -should go to this place and take a road-walk . Enjoy beautiful gardens/parks and scenery straight to India Gate .

  • Gopal Kris

    Gopal Kris


    magnificent structure. should be seen in the evenings when the lights are switched on. dont go in the morning hours . very badly maintained. One can see Big generators, antennas, hanging wires, broken fountains, dirty water in the fountain ponds, people doing prayers during working hours, etc

  • Meenu Mishra

    Meenu Mishra


    A historical and must visit place for every Indian. Every evening we used to visit near these places. A very spacious roads around the president house. Sunset from the front gate looks awesome. On every national festival president house lighting looks very interesting with patriotic colour.

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