SBI ATM i Kota

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Gramin Police Line, 324001, Kota, Kota, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 25.1811, Longitude: 75.8720151

kommentar 3

  • Rohit Bhansali

    Rohit Bhansali


    From the Desk of the Chairman:   Dear Stakeholders, It is my privilege to present this preface to your Bank's Annual Report for the Financial Year 2012–13. As detailed in the report, your Bank continues to tread the path of sustained growth and maintain its flagship position in the banking space in India. We are confident that with the support of all our stakeholders your Bank will continue to prosper and achieve greater heights in the times to come. Macro– Economic Scenario Outlook for global growth for 2013 looks relatively better than the previous year, with reduced tail risks. On the domestic front, although growth contracted to around 5% in FY13, India continues to remain one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Outlook for the current fiscal with inflation now well within tolerance level, appears better than the previous year. Additionally, softening of global commodity prices should help reduce the imported inflation in domestic economy. Trends in industrial growth are encouraging. With exports turning positive, coupled with higher capital inflows, managing the current account deficit may be facilitated in the current year. Against the above backdrop of a challenging macro–economic environment, the domestic banking system continued to enjoy the confidence of the banking public. This is reflected in the aggregate deposits of all scheduled commercial banks (ASCB) growing higher by 14.3% in FY13 against 13.5% growth in FY12. However, there was sharp deceleration in credit growth to 14.1% in FY 13 from 17.0% in FY12 due to a slow–down in investment demand and overall muted growth. Liquidity position was, however, normal as RBI provided refinance for exports. Since there was little head room to reduce the deposit rates, banks NIMs were under pressure. Due to the downturn, many sectors were severely affected impacting the quality of assets financed by the banks. Gross NPAs of 40 listed banks went up by 43.1% from levels a year ago. Further the restructured assets book also showed an upward bias with recast assets under CDR around 50% more than the whole of last year.




    bad service need a improvement




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