Surjit Hockey Stadium i Jalandhar

IndienSurjit Hockey Stadium


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Burlton Park, Rose Park Colony, Jalandhar, Punjab 144004, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 31.3433368, Longitude: 75.5576918

kommentar 5

  • hardik bansal

    hardik bansal


    Once here international matches were held But now it is only restricted to State championship and inter-college matches The seating capacity is about 200-300 people Maybe that's why It's not an international stadium

  • en

    Gurdeep Singh


    Statdium is good but not properly maintained, rooms here are not at all hygienic

  • Sandeep Kumar

    Sandeep Kumar


    The stadium is good. Need to improve sound system for comentry

  • en

    Jagdish Chauhan


    Once upon it was a famous burton park stadium. Now it looks like war hit area. Requires immediately attention for restoration of greenary.

  • en

    Navpreet Singh Rana


    Famous hockey stadium also has good watering facility to the ground turf. The turf is also of high quality... the stadium ia visible from the road as the lights can be easily seen from a moving vehicle.. .. there is a youth hoatel alongside the stadium.. also tjere is hockey boys hostel along side..and a punjab excellency hostel..

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