Thane Kala Bhavan i Thane

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IndienThane Kala Bhavan



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Roopchand Apartments, Old Agra Road,Kapurbawadi Junction, Sainath Nagar, Majiwada, Beside Big Bazar Building, Samata Nagar, Sainath Nagar, Majiwada, Thane, Maharashtra 400601, India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 2540 0909
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Latitude: 19.2171204, Longitude: 72.981649

kommentar 5

  • sanjay Yadav

    sanjay Yadav


    Thane kala bhavan. It's a historical is a about to place a related to old culture and new culture to many different to good sapce and Aslo related gives to photo and give below details to this about to photo good staffing aarggment to people also enjoy to and family to time sepnding to time

  • Sagar Chavan

    Sagar Chavan


    Recently I visited Thane Kala Bhavan for the DCP annual photography exhibition 2017-2018.Nice infrastructure and a great place to exhibit your art.Best place for artholics.

  • Jidnyesh Sawardekar

    Jidnyesh Sawardekar


    Thane Kala Bhavan is an art gallery situated in Thane, India. This art gallery is built by the Thane Municipal Corporation - the civic body of Thane and was inaugurated on 26 February 2009. The gallery is nestled in the lush green pentagon of the key areas of Kapurbavdi junction, Ghodbandar road, Balkum, Dhokali and Kolshet. This art gallery is managed under the aegis of Mahesh Rajderkar, Dy Public Relations Officer, TMC. Sharmilaa Iyer, founder of Naitaai Gauras' Art Gallery at Thane, has volunteered her service to Thane Municipal Corporation for running shows effectively. Thane Kala Bhavan has been constructed in public private participation and is designed by architect Praveen Jadhav. The gallery spaces out an area of 16,000 sq feet and is spread over three floors with an illumination of natural lights along with the powered ones. The gallery is built in a spherical shape, but appears conical from outside, and offers a 360 degree view, from wherever one stands in the gallery.

  • Swati Vaidya

    Swati Vaidya


    Thane Kala Bhavan is an art gallery, a very good space, excellent lightings, well maintained cleanliness on the property. I have attended exhibition of Photographs here, always this space gives you a very good chance experience to remember.

  • Rama Sawant

    Rama Sawant


    Good art gallery. The main problem is publicity. It is not as famous as it should be

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