T.I.M.E. i Indore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LG 3-4-5-6, D.M.Towers, Below Standard Chartered Bank, 21/1, Race Course Road, Near Janjeerwala Square, New Palasia, New Palasia, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 731 490 9463
internet side: www.time4education.com
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Latitude: 22.7261336, Longitude: 75.8822438

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vishal Mishra


    good for those who need gf or bf ..you can easily grab a gf from here believe me they so seexyy ..make sure you have good money in pocket before coming here

  • Aarav Singh

    Aarav Singh


    Worst Coaching I have never seen this type of worst Coaching ever in my life fir CMAT exam. Guys don't join please . Worst Coaching f*** Institute

  • Ankit Singh Tanwar

    Ankit Singh Tanwar


    Coaching's are just to make you aware about syallabus about various exam. You have to study hard to get success ; overall a good coaching in indore for CAT exam..

  • soumya sharma

    soumya sharma


    One of the best institute in the country. Time Indore is a legacy now. It's better than any other coaching in the city. Great faculty specially for quant and verbal. The reception is a little rude but seriously the faculty is way better. Great material, great guidance and good crowd.

  • en

    ruchika sharma


    The fundamental concepts are taught in great detail before working out the exercise. Material covers all basic concepts and includes a lot of solved examples to help you understand the fundamentals of each area. All India Mock Tests to give you ample practice and equip you with skills required to handle the exam competently

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