U.P Handloom Shopping Complex i Agra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienU.P Handloom Shopping Complex



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Fatehabad Road, 282001, Agra, Agra, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 99277 04482
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Latitude: 27.1620388, Longitude: 78.0390992

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pravin Patil


    Big Cheaters, Don't Buy anything from this place. While selling they tell you big qualities of product but it is all big lie. I took shoe & Taj Mahal from here. Shoes look good at the time buying, but after using for week, its sole is gone, I have wasted INR1500 here. Please don't waste your money. Don't buy anything from this shop. They know that as tourist you are visiting this place and you will never going to visit this place again so they take benefit of this and loot you.

  • Rantinng D

    Rantinng D


    Please find attached my CV and let

  • en

    Chets Patil


    They are making fool They are big big cheaters I want to slap that saree seller he saying lie everything about sareeee bulshit

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    Pooja Ravichandran



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    Ravichandran Rajamannar


    Our Taj Mahal guide took us to this place for how (Mini) Taj Mahal looks in morning, noon Sun and Full Moon night. After that, shop sales person showed sarees made of fibers (plantain tree, pine apple etc) assuring us of 5 years warrantee and Bangalore local address. Once credit card was swiped, their behaviour totally changed and I never got those warrantee and BLR address. Watch the Mini Taj and leave the place asap

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