Urs Kar Tata Showroom i Mysuru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienUrs Kar Tata Showroom



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Ashoka Circle, 570004, Mysuru, Mysuru, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 99808 37475
internet side: www.tatamotors.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.2953147, Longitude: 76.6415155

kommentar 5

  • Chetan S

    Chetan S


    Better offer for buyers would have been made

  • Girish Raj

    Girish Raj


    Long wait time, to catch hold of sales person. TD vehicle availability is sloppy, especially for newer launches. Best to book a slot prior to the visit. Customer is free to explore... Is treated decently.

  • Pandikanda Dilan Uthaiah

    Pandikanda Dilan Uthaiah


    Showroom location is good, sales agents are good, explanation is ok and offering of finance or buy backs explained well. Only trouble is to park our vehicle is a problem.

  • en

    sujit rai


    I am writing this review. a humble note of appreciation for the outstanding customer service provided by Urs Cars during the breakdown of my TATA HEXA. The ability to provide the resolution by providing alternate car quickly exceeded my expectations. I really commend the prompt service provided by Mr. Medappa and Mr. Vishal I am really pleased with the service of TATA URS Car. Great service makes your customers feel that you care about developing a long-term relationship. I would love to recommend your company to anyone. Keep up the good work. Sujit Rai Silicon Trade Mysore One of the First five Customers of TATA HEXA

  • Rakesh Kumar

    Rakesh Kumar


    its nice to meet the exexutives of this showroom...i think its the only place in mysore to sale tata motors

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