Abhimanyu Prabhat Shakha i Aurangabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienAbhimanyu Prabhat Shakha



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Vidya Nagar, Nyay Nagar, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431009, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 19.8726659, Longitude: 75.3538527

kommentar 4

  • Madhuri Sarvadnya

    Madhuri Sarvadnya


  • en

    prashant kulkarni


    Common place for morning walkers

  • en

    KB Infra


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    Adv. Rohit Sarvadnya


    Morning Shakha / प्रभात शाखा Everyday in the morning at sharp 6:30 the people who resides nearby comes together and doing some exercises. These people also plays various games mostly Indian games and also sings various patriotic songs in this Shakha. Once in a month all these people cleans the entire area of this Garden. These people who gathered everyday in the Shaka are also play active role in the social services. The people in the vicinity feels secure due to the regular gathering of these people in the Shakha. Shakha is a laboratory where all are engaged in building National and social character. People congregate here every day and conduct certain programs. Some of these programs are intended to cultivate certain collective qualities, whereas others are aimed at including certain other qualities collectively. This program, as a whole, is what is called a Shakha. Shakha comprises physical activities, games, song that Ignite patriotic feelings, discussions on various subjects, etc. It is such a daily gathering Centre what is called shakas.

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