Aroma Classic Days i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienAroma Classic Days



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Statue, Vanross Junction, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 407 6000
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.4992489, Longitude: 76.952275

kommentar 5

  • VisHNu SOmaN

    VisHNu SOmaN


    Convenient location.. decent rooms for the money paid..

  • en

    sai vigknesh


    Not worth. Externally looking good but rooms are like ordinary hotel.... Rs 2000 is too high compare to fecility

  • Dino Jose

    Dino Jose


    Hotel doesnt have a restaurant of its own. Because of this they forced us to have an early breakfast of their own choice in the room itself. Even after ordering tea in the morning it wasnt served. The minimal staff behaved decently though. Rooms are quite ok. Its just a lodging space where you can sleep quietly as there are hardly any other customers.

  • asif vaheed

    asif vaheed


    Did a bulk booking, staff is friendly. Rooms are okie, nothing fancy. For the price, yes it's a budget hotel which looks good from outside and is easily accessible.

  • Prince John

    Prince John


    Stayed here for two days. Cannot ask more for the budget. The hotel has got a nice lobby where you can sit and read. The only downside is the room service is kinda slow. Food is average so we at at a bar just close by. There is also an amazing veg food hotel nearby called mothers. So stay here and roam nearby!

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