Aurangabad i Aurangabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Silk Mill Colony, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431005, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 19.8597884, Longitude: 75.3113788

kommentar 5

  • Yogesh Biyani

    Yogesh Biyani


    Aurangabad railway station is the major railway station under Nanded railway division. Aurangabad Division or Marathwada region, Aurangabad is titled "The City of Gates" and the strong presence of these can be felt as one drives through the city. The city was founded in 1610 by Malik Amber. Aurangabad is the Tourism Capital of Maharashtra.Aurangabad is the fifth largest city in Maharashtra.

  • Vinay Tiwari

    Vinay Tiwari


    Platform is good. Limited waiting area. Cleanliness needed.

  • Lol Rofl

    Lol Rofl


    You get Google Rail-wire wifi in the waiting hall. One of the industrialised city in Marathwada,yet the station isn't as developed as it should have been. The station is well maintained. It quite clean at times. All the major stations are connected to this station.

  • en

    Abhiram Balla


    Well maintained station . Good facilities and Neat platform . Toilets, Stalls are maintained well . It also has restaurant. Besides there is old engine outside of the station that is operated in British Era is very magnificent .

  • Amol Patil

    Amol Patil


    One of the good and important train stations in Maharashtra state. Washrooms are clean and in good conditions. But biggest drawback is single railway it needs Electric trains. It works on diesel engine. It's still running on single railway line. Need double railway line. It's still connected to south central railway. It must be connected to Central railway. Whenever it's crossing with Sachkhand Express your train wait more than 30 Minutes. It's very disappointing to wait in crossing. Because incoming and outgoing train line is single. On this station no train run on right time. It always runs half hour late.

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