Bailey Road i Patna

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IndienBailey Road


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Veerchand Patel Road Area, Patna, Bihar 800015, India
kontakter telefon: +91 70537 77334
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Latitude: 25.606613, Longitude: 85.117043

kommentar 5

  • Danish subhani

    Danish subhani


    Bailey Road  is a road and neighbourhood in Patna, India. It connects Patna with Danapur. It roughly starts from Income Tax Golambar and ends in Danapur, running through the heart of the city. It is one of the most important roads in the city. Many important landmarks like Patna High Court, Patna Women's College, Patna Secretariat, Patna Zoo, Patna Airport, Bihar Museum etc. are situated beside or near to this road. Bailey Road was officially renamed as Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, but this road is still widely known as Bailey Road..This area is served by Shastrinagar Police Station of Patna Police. Bailey Road Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg Neighbourhood the Bihar Museum as seen from Bailey Road Bailey Road Location in Patna, India Coordinates: 25°36′37″N 85°7′55″E Country. India  StateBiharMetroPatnaLanguages •  Spoken. Hindi, English PIN. 800014-15. Planning agency. Patna Metropolitan Area AuthorityCivic agency. Patna Municipal Corporation History Under the British Raj, Patna gradually started to attain its lost glory and emerged as an important and strategic centre of learning and trade in India. When the Bengal Presidencywas partitioned in 1912 to carve out a separate province, Patna was made the capital of the new province of Bihar and Orissa. The city limits were stretched westwards to accommodate the administrative base, and the township of Bankipore took shape along the Bailey Road (originally spelt as Bayley Road, after the first Lt. Governor of Bihar and Orissa, Sir Steuart Colvin Bayley). This area was called the New Capital Area. Best places of Patna are lies aside this Bailey road ie Jawahar lal Nehru road.

  • Abhishek Kumar Sintu

    Abhishek Kumar Sintu


    Nice place

  • Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar


    I am krishna

  • Avinash Anand

    Avinash Anand


    Nice area and location but dirty road

  • ahmad ansari

    ahmad ansari


    Like good but not excellent

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