Bangla Sahib Sarovar i New Delhi

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IndienBangla Sahib Sarovar


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Bangla Sahib Sarovar, Hanuman Road Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.6269037, Longitude: 77.2084495

kommentar 5

  • Omkar Agrawal

    Omkar Agrawal


    nice religious place. must visit beware of theaves

  • en

    nikhil prayag singh


    Malleswar (Future Prime Minister of India) with Hindu devotives in Sikh Gurudwara, New Delhi.

  • bekhauf azaad

    bekhauf azaad


    best place to find peace.. love this place.. positive vibes... they provide good food which v indians call langar, it is free for every. . must go place

  • Garvit Jain

    Garvit Jain


    really great place if u want peaceful and calm environment u should go at least once.but try to avoid on weekends

  • Sumita Maity

    Sumita Maity


    The experience of visiting this place shows how a religious house should be. You should not have organizers of the house all around begging money in the name of god but the house should offer meal to the hungers instead. It is a place where they offer langar(meal) everyday to the visitors. A lot of people come forward to volunteer as a mean to serve god. Nobody asks money and donation is voluntary.

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