Bareilly i Bareilly

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Civil Lines, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.3582803, Longitude: 79.4189187

kommentar 5

  • en



    Dina Nath lassi shop. This shop is identity of bareilly. This shop is having legassy of 70 years of preparation of lassi. It is up to you to drink or eat lassi, because here lassi is so thick to eat or drink. Without visiting this shop we can not immagine how tasty and delicious lassi is provided at this shop. It is situsted near bareilly roadways bus stand.

  • shailendra bahuguna

    shailendra bahuguna


    Very good for living and small town almost equi-distance between national capital Delhi, Uttarakhand town Nainital, Missouri, Rishikesh, Haridwar and state capital Lucknow. Fresh vegetables, other commodities at affordable prices, local transporter is cycle rickshaw which is very cheap. People are friendly and cooperative.

  • JIT bac

    JIT bac


    Good bus stand.. You can get buses for AGRA MATHURA DELHI MEERUT MORADABAD HAPUR every half hour...also buses to Jaipur Balaji Dehradun Farrukhabad Nainital Baheri Rudrapur etc avail at specific times. AC buses to agra avail from here and AC buses to Delhi starts from satellite but also comes here if they have empty seats. getting here is also easy as its located in mid of the town but getting here by car is difficult as streets are narrow bcoz of the thela walas and stuff crowding the road sides.

  • akhand pratap singh

    akhand pratap singh


    You will be get buses all time,tailet facility is available but congesive place usually. Yoh wi get food stall, snack around here

  • Nirjala Ekadasi

    Nirjala Ekadasi


    All drivers and conductors are very helpful. They also have enquiry counter which will guide you properly.

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