Biverah Hotel & Suites i Thiruvananthapuram

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienBiverah Hotel & Suites



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Kumarapuram-Pattom Road, Medical College P.O., Kumarapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695011, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 421 1111
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Latitude: 8.513697, Longitude: 76.9296409

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rakhesh L R


    only the restaurant and food is good here. The reception and customer service are too bad. They are concerned about money only. If you have booked via online, then they wont consider you well. But if you try to book directly, they will ask more money. Hated it.

  • gopalakrishnan ms

    gopalakrishnan ms


    Had a cup of tea at the empty restaurant in the evening. I wish the air conditioning had more muscle though it was turned on just for the two of us. The rest room was squeaky clean. What did I miss? A glass of water on the table.

  • en

    yousuf manikfan


    Love our stay here at the hotel... The best part is that they have round the clock.. You can order anything available in the menu....rooms are also nice... Well maintained...though TV was not at the mark.. At least they should have subscribed to HD channels... Our wifi got disconnected quite a few times... Had to call counter again n again to get it rectified... Apart from that they have provided complimentary breakfast... Which was really excellent... Have all kind of cuisines... One should really enjoy it... Overall it was a very nice experience at Biverah.. If I get a chance surely we will book a suite at Biverah ones again

  • Savio Mendez

    Savio Mendez


    Had dinner with family. The ambience is quite good and the service is excellent. We tried both the typical Kerala cuisine as well as an Arabic platter. The traditional food was well cooked and was fairly delicious. The Arabic platter was merely edible, the promised taste was nowhere to be found.

  • Aju George Chris

    Aju George Chris


    I have been here only once and I was impressed by what I saw. It may not be really impressive to look at from the roadside, but get inside and you will be blown away. It is really spacious and the amenities are top notch. The friend who was staying there had also only good things to say about the place. I would definitely recommend it to others as well.

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