Burger Lounge i Thiruvananthapuram

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienBurger Lounge



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Chalakuzhy Road, 695004, Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 485 0775
internet side: www.burgerlounge.online
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Latitude: 8.5243116, Longitude: 76.9393916

kommentar 5

  • Rahul Nair

    Rahul Nair


    nice place to eat.. one of the best in trivandrum try to reach between the happy hours. 11am to 1pm

  • Isaac John

    Isaac John


    The place has a good ambience.. the food is good as well.. but in quantity it's not Soo much... Good place to have a quick bite with friends or family

  • Gokul Shibu

    Gokul Shibu


    This burger shop is situated at one of the busy places here in Trivandrum. The burgers here are pretty much cheap comparatively. The problem i faced was that the waiting time was too long! It took around 45 mins from the time of order to get it. Burger tasted fine. Well and good. Good service too. I’d have rated it 4 star if the waiting time was made reasonable. 👍🏻

  • Aja Ram

    Aja Ram


    A good place in the middle of the busy and hustle of the city. The ambience is good. A good place to hang out with friends. Services are also good. Variety available in burgers. Compared to other places burgers here are cheap. But drinks are little expensive I guess. Well maintained cleanliness.

  • Aneesh NP

    Aneesh NP


    I would recommend this shop for burger and sandwich. The chicken steak sandwich i had was good. The mayonnaise was simply awesome. If you don't like the garlic, u will upset with the mayonnaise. The ambiance is good. The Drinks offered by them are average only. They are charging Rs.80/- for regular fresh Juice. Service is also average, all men are non malayalis...

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