Cafechino i Bhopal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Shymala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 755 266 1100
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Latitude: 23.2401001, Longitude: 77.3866088

kommentar 5

  • en

    Puneet Jain


    Decent place for a cuppa

  • S M Habibur Rahman

    S M Habibur Rahman


    Excellent environment cafeteria, Tourist interests

  • Veethi Vyas

    Veethi Vyas


    Calling Cafe Chino a cafe is a gross misnomer. A cafe is supposed to be a place where a person can relax, have a cup of coffee and get some work done. However, if you are looking for a cafe to get some work done - Cafechino is not the place to do so. The restaurant staff is too arrogant to allow a cafe-working culture to thrive at this restaurant. It almost seems as if Cafechino is limited to the hotel guests and not other visitors. If you are, unfortunately not a guest of the hotel - the staff will make sure to rub Jehan Numa snobbery in your face. It was my first time visiting the cafe after reading reviews of Cafechino being the "best" in its genre that Bhopal has to offer. I wanted to spend a majority of my day at the Cafe to finish some work, and while at it, get breakfast, lunch, and coffee (which I did). The waiters kept staring at me throughout the day, making me feel super uncomfortable, unwelcomed. At a point, I just kept buying items because I was running against a deadline and really needed my work to be done (and dodge the judgemental stares by the staff). In the end, when I did in fact, pay my bills and decided to sit down briefly to wait for my Uber to arrive, two waiters rushed to me and asked me and my colleague to leave. One of the waiters even told me in a patronizing tone that using a laptop and sitting for extended periods of time in the cafe is not permitted. He asked me to wait for my car at the hotel's reception. Two important things to note are: a) the cafe was relatively empty throughout the day and my presence did not take up space for other guests, and b) I ORDERED LIKE 5 THINGS! The food is mediocre at its best, and if the cafe doesn't allow people to just utilize the space as it is expected out of any cafe, then what is the point of calling it a cafe? It is an unwelcoming and a supremely condescending atmosphere. As someone visiting Bhopal for the first time, I was made to feel super uncomfortable by the staff's policing glares and words. I probably wouldn't visit this cafe again - even though I could have potentially become a regular there as I need to work on my laptop most of the time. Screw you Cafe Chino for ruining mine and my colleague's day! Learn the meaning of a "cafe" and teach it to your staff... and learn to be inclusive while at it!

  • Sushant Poojary

    Sushant Poojary


    The staff is friendly and prompt, the food is quite good. A good place to just relax with friends. Although desserts are not that great.

  • en

    rohan mehta


    I was at cafechino at 10:00 am as per the info provided everywhere , I entered the bakery .. (HIRA) Enplyoee said that they opened late today so they will take time to place my Oder ,... I said it will be good if you can serve atleast a pastry which I can see in a fridge (all to eat ) .. he made an angry face and said sir we cannot serve you now , and they kept me wait for a while .... THEN I LEFT . Everything was okay but the attitude of HIRA towards me (customer) was really bad .

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