California Hypnosis Institute (CHI) of USA i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienCalifornia Hypnosis Institute (CHI) of USA


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Rajpath Area, Central Secretariat, New Delhi, Delhi 110011, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.6139391, Longitude: 77.2090212

kommentar 1

  • Sabha Shankar

    Sabha Shankar


    California Hypnosis Institute (CHI) of USA is founded by Dr. Sunny Satin headquartered in California and managed by Dr. Ann Satin and Dr. Nitin Shukla. We are a network of professionals dedicated to improving the condition of mankind by empowering people with the knowledge to help themselves. CHI students teach and practice Hypnotherapy around the world. We welcome people from all walks of life to join CHI classes. Scheduled classes can be found on our site. A student who has completed at least one CHI course is qualified to become a CHI member. We welcome Hypnotherapists and Healers who have certifications from other institutions to join us as well. CHI is dedicated to keep its members updated and informed of all activities. As a member, you will become part of an interactive group, and support will be available to you at all times. We strive to promote our Hypnotherapists in positive manner ̶ as Therapist and also as Teachers. For a list of benefits, member profiles, and application information, please visit "JOIN CHI" page

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