Chanakya BNR Hotel i Ranchi

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IndienChanakya BNR Hotel


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Station Rd, Sirom Toly, Gosaintola, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 651 246 1211
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Latitude: 23.3497887, Longitude: 85.3335162

kommentar 5

  • Krishna K.A

    Krishna K.A


    It's a superb one, I stayed in the Heritage room, so spacious, so clean, so nice, old style of the rooms it gives you the feeling of 1950's royal room. Campus is very spacious, lot of parking space, good swimming pool. Breakfast was very tasty, finally I found soft idly. Overall very nice stay, it's a must visit hotel

  • ashutosh singh

    ashutosh singh


    We had booked rooms in this hotel for our brother's engagement. Overall experience was good. Rooms are spacious and proper space is there for hosting parties.

  • en

    Abhishek Kumar


    Chanakya BNR hotel is a nice and cozy place where one can arrange parties and events with family and friends. I visited it for two wedding ceremonies. And the ambience was great.. It has a swimming pool too ( I forgot to ask the authorities there if we the guests could use that too ;) )

  • avijit roy

    avijit roy


    Location is outstanding. Very close to the bus depot and next to the Ranchi railway station. One of the oldest and most reputed 4 star hotel in Ranchi. Reservations is received here, otherwise rooms may not be available otherwise. Banquets and the food outlets are good with above average food quality comparing to the price charged.

  • saurabh dixit

    saurabh dixit


    You can find it one of the best properties in Ranchi. The good insight just after entering the hotel. A good space for parking and a wonderful staff. Restaurant is here where you can enjoy the food. Waiting area is here. But sights around the hotel are not good. So you will feel good once you will be inside hotel but do not expect window views and all

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