Chandigarh Housing Board i Chandigarh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienChandigarh Housing Board



🕗 åbningstider

8, Jan Marg, 160022, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 274 1142
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.7465384, Longitude: 76.7872024

kommentar 5

  • en

    manveen dhillon


    arrogant, foul mouthed, and absent-minded reception staff...the perfect reason of why everything should be online...but obviously it can never happen and we have to go to such pathetic offices to worship these pathetic people

  • prince kaushal

    prince kaushal


    CHB don't even deserve 0Star He is fulfilled with stupid arrogant and mentally ill staff

  • en

    Manoj Chd


    Playing with innocent people 1 lakh 27 thousand 977 people apli agenst Pradhan mantri awas yojna & the are saying onliy 239 people are eligible for house Only of these sector are eligible 45.52 sector Baaki sector mi Jo rahte hai sab Galt hai

  • en

    Yaksh Trikha


    No one picking call , they haven't reply your question, very bad services, poor, Even website not properly working and no proper information

  • Gautam Banerjee

    Gautam Banerjee


    I have always looked at Chandigarh as the city beautiful even though I have not stayed in the city beyond a week at a stretch. But whenever I get an opportunity I go there to soak in the atmosphere. I was considering buying a flat recently but after reading the reviews of Chandigarh Housing Board which are quite negative and checking with others I have dropped the idea. I also wonder why this office does not answer queries.

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