Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport i Mumbai

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IndienChhatrapati Shivaji International Airport



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Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099, India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 6685 1010
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Latitude: 19.0895595, Longitude: 72.8656144

kommentar 5

  • Naman Jain

    Naman Jain


    Fantastic airport, especially Terminal 2 (both the International and Domestic sections). Very well made with decent places to grab a bite. Pretty large and good signs for navigating. For international flights, give yourself a bit more time as the immigration lines can be large when departing. Terminal 1 on the other hand is not that great - lack of seating and lack of food options.

  • Dr Sojan Lal

    Dr Sojan Lal


    Excellent airport, best architecture, seems to be like unique design, better than many international airports in India and abroad. Lots of antique collections displayed in many places, extremely neat and clean wash rooms, no announcements, very silent, highly relaxing seating, lots of elevators, conveyor belts are similar to abroad international airports. Well maintained garden, lots of greenery inside and outside the airport. It's really amazing to see such a well designed and constructed international airport, without interruption of regular passenger and cargo flights.

  • en

    Milap Marvaniya


    Its indeed one of the best airport I have ever seen. Excellent infrastructure & interior decorations shows that it is indeed very well planned .Lounges here are indeed very luxurious.Like every other international airport here too there are many duty free branded shops moreover the food here served is nice. Kids can also just relax themselves with the tabs kept for our use at different place all over the airport.Moreover it provided many international facilities which makes it the best airport in India and can be compared with the best airport in the world.

  • Anil Sukumaran

    Anil Sukumaran


    Architectural masterpiece! Recently it has been credited with world record for most no of flight landing in runway within a minute. International cuisine and local cuisine available at a fairly reasonable price compared to other airports. Give yourself ample time for security as the queues can get long. It’s a silent airport.

  • Ankit Sahu

    Ankit Sahu


    It's huge, literally. And it is a silent airport, meaning you have to look at screens to know the status of your flights, as there will be no announcements at all. It's big, and there are lots and lots of shops to eat, and to purchase things, even cars and bikes are being sold here. Covered with awesome designs and jaw dropping ambience. Make sure to spend at least 2 hours to fully discover this huge place.

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