Chickpet i Bengaluru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Old Tharagupet, Mamulpet, Chickpet, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560053, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 12.967032, Longitude: 77.57482

kommentar 5

  • Vishnu pratap

    Vishnu pratap


    One of the Very useful metro station in Bengaluru. Since the area is a business hub, this station helps lot of people to reach here. Even for the people outside city, it helps a lot to reach here for their shopping. This metro station connects both chickpet and k r market, that's one advantage.

  • en

    vishal pise


    It's a very great thing that in such a crowded market area where it's very hard to ride the bike also in such a area they have sucessfully able to run the metro. Here nearby no public transport are available. Nice metro station. Thanks for metro team for getting this done.

  • Arun Alexander

    Arun Alexander


    Thank god nice to have a metro here. Need completion of work

  • en

    Kiran Kumar


    Chickpet is the best landmark for shopping for both men and women who are doing for any occasion or on any festival season. The areas is covered with many shops and connect to other nearby places like cottenpet, nagarthpet, cubbonpet etc. This is the recommend area from shopping clothes to any other daily required materials.

  • Appu Skurup

    Appu Skurup


    Chickpet is a Namma Metro station on the Green Line in Bangalore, India. It is part of the Phase I of Namma Metro project. It was opened to the public on 18 June 2017.

nærmeste Metrostation

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