Chintadripet i Chennai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Chintadripet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 13.073867, Longitude: 80.273832

kommentar 5




    This railways station is located near by Annamalai. Most of the people use suburban trains frequently because of the comfortable journey. In this station train tickets take online via UTS app and also take station tickets counter. Frequently run on trains morning 5am to 11pm expect Sunday. Sunday service will reduce trains services. Every 5mis run train @ morning 8am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm.

  • Subhendhu Saha

    Subhendhu Saha


    Neat and clean and one of the less crowded station even in peak time. Lift facility available.

  • en

    Praveen Kumar


    Place to get down for reaching mount road, the new govt multispeciality hospital and richie street(the local electronics bazaar)...station is poorly maintained just like other MRTS stations...

  • Anupam Jyoti

    Anupam Jyoti


    This place is the next station to the Chennai par and it pretty clean . The good thing about all these station are the beach are really close enough and it lies at the centre of the city . Cons- the lift doesn't work and the drinking water is not there. But yeah escalator works and wheel chair is not available

  • en

    akash VP


    Good infrastructure which is not utilised and maintained properly. Early days of my Chennai life used this station as the landmark to prepare for our detrain at Park station, on our way to central station. Preferred to walk a km to the station today after a heavy lunch @dindugal thalappakkatti. The walk through the slum was an experience but there are other options for reaching here!

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