दर्द निवारक केन्द्र Active Life Care Physiotherapy & Panchkarma Center i Bareilly

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Indienदर्द निवारक केन्द्र Active Life Care Physiotherapy & Panchkarma Center



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Rajendra Nagar, opposite k.k Hospital old post office line, Rajendra Nagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243122, India
kontakter telefon: +91 95571 10821
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 28.3886115, Longitude: 79.4274503

kommentar 5

  • Azim Khan

    Azim Khan


    My best exprence ...A good place is back pain.and all pain relife centre.My four yaers old back pain remove only twenty days..Dr.vaibhav sharma is best physiotherepist in all over barielly..

  • Difa Khan

    Difa Khan


    With continuous pain in my left ankle i went to Vaibhav Sir for my treatment....i got relief in my pain in only a few days ....thanks to him...he is doing a great job....he is a nice person and a commendable personality...best of luck sir....

  • en



    i had pain in my lower back,,medicines gave temporary relief but i got permanent cure at active life care... the pain got reduced by very first sitting and now i am perfectly fit and fine... the best thing here is that you get to know the actual problem as well as treatment procedure.. vaibhav sir is really a generous doctor..he works hard with his patients and he is honest towards his profession... may god bless him..,

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    Shivani Joshi


    I was a cervical patient....with lots of medicine and no relief then i came to know about active life care physiotherapy center....and in no time i was relieved...thanks to him....he is such an amazing personality and is very active in his work every patient in the center is given special attention and he is really very professional in his work...all the best to him..

  • en

    shivangi singh


    Vaibhav sir is one of the finest doctors I have ever met ...he is always ready for help with a smile on his face..an awesome personality and a very helpful person...I was suffering with problem in my lower back...it just took a few sittings and my pain reduced...all the best to him for his future endeavours...thanks to him.😃

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