Dhanbad Junction i Dhanbad

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IndienDhanbad Junction


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Pandey Muhalla, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 23.7910294, Longitude: 86.4299391

kommentar 5

  • Niraj Kumar Pandey

    Niraj Kumar Pandey


    Very busy railway station, always crowdy but well maintained and clean. Railway staffs are very helpful. I think it is the busiest station of the state. Location of the station is perfect, the middle of the city. Almost all the trains of Howrah Delhi chord line passes through Dhanbad.

  • sajid dhn

    sajid dhn


    The highest earning Dhanbad mandal is not available at the facility. Dhanbad Station does not have the facility. The best model is Honey, it is not the station premises

  • shahid shakil

    shahid shakil


    This is the Railway junction stops almost all passengers and express trains. Now a day prepaid taxi available here. The counter for prepaid taxi is beside of Fountain. Good parking space.

  • lalit bandil

    lalit bandil


    More development required. Very crowded and messy, outside the Junction. Accommodation facility in retiring rooms is OK. 300 Rs. for non AC and 500 Rs. for AC room. More rooms required. AC waiting room available only for ladies. Paid Parking available. Wheelchair accessible premise. Very difficult to find Public rest room. Drinking Water vending machine is available at each platform. Conveyance available for almost all the places of dhanbad from outside the station.

  • en

    All in one perfection


    Nice station and very crowded. Train for almost every route available here. Wifi present here. Escalator is there. Very much clean and catering service is also nice. Security is also good.

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