Divans Bungalow i Ahmedabad

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IndienDivans Bungalow



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1785, Saiyad Wadu, MB Kadri Road, Raikhad II, Opposite Gaikwad Haveli, Dudhabhai ni Chali, Raikhad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 79 2535 5428
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Latitude: 23.0177092, Longitude: 72.5814594

kommentar 5

  • en

    lata asrani


    In love with diwan house and its management... The Manager, Mr Pankaj is very welcoming in nature and very co-operative...they have very well maintained the mansion.. We had our pre wedding photoshoot and it turned out to be the best...

  • Varuna Kashyap

    Varuna Kashyap


    I just loved staying here. It was a Divan's bunglow which has been converted to a hotel now.

  • nanki solanki

    nanki solanki


    Superb food ,the best. Hospitality, love atmosphere 😍

  • Sujal Mody

    Sujal Mody


    At times I really wonder if people are aware of this Heritage Property in the Heart of Ahmedabad... Divan's Bungalow at Raikhad is one such place which has probably gone unnoticed (atleast I presume)... If you are planning to stay in the centre of the city but also want peace of mind then this is the place you should book... Overhead that they are planning a traditional café here... I wish them luck and wish to be one of the first ones to visit the Café Lunch and Dinner is also served here for a group of 10-15 persons but you need to book it a couple of days in advance so that you can relish the original recipes!!!!!

  • Kuldeep Jadeja

    Kuldeep Jadeja


    Wonderful ambience, great food - that's how I would describe our visit to Divan's Bungalow. A beautiful experience all in all.

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