Embassy of Spain i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienEmbassy of Spain



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12, Prithviraj Road, Near Calories Hotel, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110011, India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 4129 3000
internet side: www.exteriores.gob.es
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Latitude: 28.5991797, Longitude: 77.218983

kommentar 5

  • Royal world

    Royal world


    One of the best experience i ever had... very polite...visa officers..thanks 😊

  • es

    Javi Alegria


    They are slow, not clear on their explanations, very bad attention to the public and make simple proccesses complicated, even asking twice for the same documents and slowing down even more the whole proccess. I am ashamed that this people are representing my country. Son lentos, poco claros en sus explicaciones, atencion de cara al publico pesima y hacen complicados procesos sencillos, llegando a pedir los mismos documentos mas de una vez y ralentizando aun mas el proceso. Me da vergüenza que esta sea la embajada de mi pais.

  • en

    Debadatta Ray


    It is a horrible experience. It is more of a ragging. No clearcut instruction for documents required to submit. Every time they they ask something new. First time when I visit they said to come again with some new document. I asked if a need to make any appointment. They said no ... u can come and submit. When I go after 15 days they did not entertain me. Now they say you have come after 15 days so appointment requried. I had visited so many times after that but finally they rejected my visa

  • Ajit Kumar

    Ajit Kumar


    18 Phobias: 1. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders - मकड़ियों का विकृत भय. 2. Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes. - एक ऐसी बीमारी जिसमें साँपों के काट खाने का डर लगा रहता है. 3. Acrophobia – The fear of heights. ऊँचाई का डर. 4. Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces. People with this fear often wont leave home.- भीड़ अथवा खुली जगह का भय. 5. Cynophobia – The fear of dogs. - कुत्ते से असाधारण भय. 6. Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces like elevators, small rooms and other enclosed spaces. - लिफ्ट, छोटी जगहों या बंद कमरों से डर लगना. 7. Mysophobia – The fear of germs. It is also termed as Germophobia or Bacterophobia. - कीटाणु या रोग लगने का भय होना. 8. Aerophobia – The fear of flying. - चलती हवा का डर. 9. Trypophobia – The fear of holes - छिद्रों से डर लगना. 10. Thanatophobia – The fear of death. Even talking about death can be hard. - मृत्यु भय रोग. 11. Glossophobia – The fear of public speaking. - सबके सामने, जनता के सामने बोलने से डरना. 12. Monophobia – The fear of being alone. Even while eating and/or sleeping. - अकेले रहने से डर लगना. 13. Atychiphobia – The fear of failure. - हारने से डर लगने वाला रोग. 14. Ornithophobia – The fear of birds. -पक्षियों से डर लगने वाला रोग. 15. Enochlophobia – The fear of crowds - भीड़ से डर लगने वाला रोग. 16. Trypanophobia – The fear of needles. - सूई से डर लगने वाला रोग. 17. Aquaphobia – The fear of water. - पानी से डर लगने वाला रोग. 18. Hemophobia – The fear of blood. Even the sight of blood can cause fainting for such people. - खून अथवा खून के दृष्य तक से डर लगने वाला रोग.

  • es

    Laura Amoretti


    Me ayudaron mucho explicándome (en mitad del vestíbulo porque salen de la oficina a atenderte allí, no pasas a ningún despacho ni sala) cómo solucionar un problema con mi visado pero luego me negaron algo tan sencillo como acceso a un ordenador con internet para rellenar un formulario que tenía que enviar en menos de 1h. Además, la información que me dieron no fue precisa, lo que me hizo perder tiempo y complicar el proceso más de lo necesario.

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