Fortune JP Palace - Hotel in Mysore i Mysuru

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IndienFortune JP Palace - Hotel in Mysore



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#3, Abba Road, 570007, Mysuru, Mysuru, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 821 665 5444
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Latitude: 12.3182628, Longitude: 76.6630518

kommentar 5

  • Shirl Pinto

    Shirl Pinto


    Great location, heart of the city. Can easily access all the tourist spots from here. The hotel is clean, comfortable and service is good. Recommend for a stay!

  • Shubham Jain

    Shubham Jain


    An ITC brand hotel, situated in the heart of the city. Service and quality is up to the mark. Polite well mannered staff. Food quality is good. The management needs to take care of cleanliness as it lacks at many places in the hotel.

  • J Thec

    J Thec


    Had a very pleasant stay of one night in this hotel. Both my wife and I had nothing to complain about. From arrival to departure all the staff were smiling and helpful when asked. We had an excellent dinner. Breakfast was tops. Would recommend this hotel.

  • The Humorousdragon

    The Humorousdragon


    Although they claim to be 5 star hotel but I felt like it's a 3 star as per the property and other facilities. Best feature about them is their restaurant. The food was amazing in every aspect, specially the vegetarian food didn't like the non veg too much. All over nice place to stay over and have the meals.

  • en

    Sonny D'Mello


    A fairly well appointed upscale hotel, we spent one night here. The rooms are very clean and large. It has most amenities one would want as a traveler. The entire staff are super polite and friendly and go out of their way to help. Finally, the breakfast was absolutely wonderful. A wide array of both Indian and Western food for every palette. A very small point. The bathroom could do with a bit more finishing touches in hygiene. I will certainly visit again.

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