Four Points by Sheraton Vadodara i Vadodara

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IndienFour Points by Sheraton Vadodara



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1275, Abbas Tyabji Road, 390002, Vadodara, Vadodara, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 265 616 0000
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3235101, Longitude: 73.187525

kommentar 5

  • One Minute Music Videos

    One Minute Music Videos


    Business class hotel. Good rooms and accessibility from airport. Food is also good, the area around is filled with restaurants and eatires!

  • Ankita Saxena

    Ankita Saxena


    It's a good place if you want to stay near a mall. The connecting highway is a great reach! The food is good. The rooms are decent and smell really good. The staff is welcoming and the breakfast is awesome. Though it doesn't has a swimming pool but gym is still on!

  • Ramesh Chandra

    Ramesh Chandra


    Hotel ambience and rooms are good but quality of the food is very low for the price they charge. Not worth of visiting the restaurant lunch and dinner buffet is not at all worth instead there are much better restaurants at a better price with delicious food and much more options in the buffet

  • en

    Manoj Vermani


    The hotel and the restaurant was nice in line to the Sheraton Brand, however room sizes are pretty small. For solo traveler was still ok, but for a family may get quite inconvenient. Food is nice and convenient to the pocket so gets 4 points here. Have a range of vegetarian options to choose from as well. He location is slightly inconvenient especially after the construction of new bridge just opposite the hotel. However the hotel makes it up by arranging one way transfer to or from the Airport, a big convenience. Overall a comfortable place to stay.

  • Meet Soni

    Meet Soni


    Normally I don't visit local hotels except the restaurants but I was really impressed with this one. I always travel from that road but never noticed it though it's located exactly on road so I actually thanked my friends for staying at this hotel so I got to visit this beautiful hotel. The staff , the rooms and the ambience was really nice. Happy to have such a great hotel in my city.

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