Gajalee Restaurant i Mumbai

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IndienGajalee Restaurant



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Kadamgiri Complex, Hanuman Road, Vile Parle East, Vishnu Prasad Society, Navpada, Vile Parle East, Vile Parle, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400057, India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 3375 6175
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Latitude: 19.1038157, Longitude: 72.8517772

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amey Gaunekar


    The best seafood special restaurant that you can find with consistent quality. This place is there for a long time and have many branches now. The place is special for all seafood lovers at all times. It is really very difficult to choose from the large variety of food from prawns to lobsters to crabs and oysters. Itihas thali option also. It serves veg and chicken menu which I have never tried.. Today's lunch was also as per expectation. The service given was also exceptional. One of the server by name Sadashiv was very good at the service and deserves a special mention.

  • Nishit Pathak

    Nishit Pathak


    Like sea food.. go to gajalee. Can't go wrong with the fish thali ever.. the crab preps are also Awesome.. all in all an amazing place for all occasions..

  • Sameer Marathe

    Sameer Marathe


    Great sea food.... Awesome service.... And helpful managers... I love this place

  • Saurabh Khatri

    Saurabh Khatri


    They have a really good service & the food is also really good. Yes if you go in the evening there are high chances that you would have to wait but they have kept chairs outside for your comfort. We had Tandoori crab. It was superb. The waiters were patient as were the last ones to leave the restaurant. Yes prices are a bit high but its totally worth it.

  • en

    ramsha haque


    Very tasty food. Extremely delicious and fresh, I must say. Yes, a little expensive. But that's worth it. Service is also good. Must be there once.

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